MUSEums & galleries
Generally speaking, museums have a large variety of frames to hang on walls. If the museum organises exhibitions, there will be turnarounds, when exhibitions change and artwork is taken down and replaced. There will often be a variety of frames, in a variety of sizes and weights.
As such, a hanging system for a museum needs to be FLEXIBLE, so that frames can be taken down with little fuss, and other frames put up quickly and easily. Museums are open to the public, and it's of utmost importance that items are put on the wall SAFELY - everything which is up needs to stay up!
Picture Hanging and Lighting Systems
Potential theft must be considered when planning anything in a museum. STAS offers theft delaying security hooks which can provide peace of mind to museum organisers.
Museums need to illuminate items hanging on walls. Traditional lamps are well known for consuming lots of electricity, and for generating quite lots of heat. People in general create surprisingly high levels of humidity, and in a museum, this humidity, combined with the heat dissipation of traditional lamps, can create quite an uncomfortable environment both for visitors and for the art hanging on the walls! Traditional light bulbs convert over 80% of energy to heat, whereas LED bulbs convert over 80% of their energy input to light, with little heat dissipation (see the section on LED LIGHTING in Responsible Industrial Policies). STAS LED lights really are a superb choice for museums.
Picture Hanging Museums Systems
A Perfect Solution For Museums
STAS hanging systems are a perfect solution to all of the above requirements, and offer unrivaled FLEXIBILITY, where everything is hung up safely and securely, but can be taken down quickly and easily to re-decorate walls and ceilings with a minimum of fuss. STAS systems make all of this possible, plus all STAS rails can be painted over – whatever color you want! Whether the STAS system is for an existing museum, or for one which is going to be built, there are many options to choose from, but for galleries, particular attention should be paid to some of the more heavy-duty systems such as the j-rail max system, which could work well in a structure where flexibility is important, but not at the expense of elegance.
Long Term Benefits
Long-term benefits of STAS systems include greatly reduced costs over
the years (saving on redecorating, painting, plastering and associated
liquids, cleaning fluids, paints, plaster etc.), plus zero maintenance
cost, zero impact on wall structure once the system has been installed
(ie. no more nails!) and no need to call the Maintenance Department to
check out if there's a pipe hidden in the wall, or after you've banged a
nail into the wall and found that that's where the pipe is!
We're here to help
Each rail system has been uniquely designed to perform a specific
function or to resolve a particular issue. Although one solution may
seem a perfect fit for your needs that may not necessarily be the case
unless every issue has been presented and fully discussed. Our staff has
the knowledge and understanding of what are the most important
questions to ask when choosing the right system for you. By clicking
below and submitting your requests one of our specialists will help you
in choosing which system will provide the most satisfaction.